Building Community.
Outdoor Activities
Trail Repair - ****NEW SCHEDULE****:
Join the Friends of the Trail to work on the SCIOTO RUN NATURE TRAIL! Help us any Monday, Thursday, or Saturday from 4 - 6 pm We cancel for holidays, during rainstorms, when wind chills dip below 32 degrees.
This time of year, we destroy invasive honyeysuckle bushes, cut down vines that smother the precious trees, pick up litter (especially on the western-most end of the trail), and spread mulch on the trail using the piles of mulch the city created from the honeysuckle debris.
Learn more here.
Got a Question???
Need a new mailbox? Wondering why the front entrance flag is at half-staff? Check out our FAQ section here. If your question isn’t on the FAQ page, feel free to contact us.
Architectural Review
In order to preserve the intent of the builders, please remember that most outside changes to your house need to be routed through the Architectural Review Committee. Please scroll to the bottom of this page to get to the ARC page.
City Chipper Service
The city has changed their free chipper service to pickups ONLY on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the months of April through October. BUT you must complete a service request in order for them to stop at your residence. Please go to hilliardohio.gov and go to “Residents” and then “Yard Waste” and scroll to the bottom.
No Styrofoam (polystyrene) is recyclable in Franklin County as it is in its expanded form. But it doesn't have to end up in the landfill. The City of Hilliard has Central Ohio’s ONLY densifier. Clean, rigid, white Styrofoam can be dropped off just east of the Municipal Building 24 hours a day/7 days a week. No food containers, flexible foam, foam peanuts or construction grade Styrofoam are currently accepted.