Architectural Review
1.The Guidelines
Check out the deed restrictions for your location to learn if your proposed change is restricted.
2.The Form
Complete the Architectural Review Form for submission to the board for review.
Submit your form and project plans to a member of the Architectural Review Committee:
Dennis Karem (denniskarem@me.com),
Dave Kerr (davekerrarch@gmail.com), or
Melissa Muth (muthmel99@gmail.com).
The Architectural Review Committee was established in 1995 when the developer of the subdivision relinquished his review duties and assigned them to the Scioto Run Civic Association. The purpose of the architectural review is to assist in maintaining continuity and assuring that additions to property/homes follow the established deed restrictions and guidelines set up by the original developer of the subdivision.
Homeowners should carefully review the deed restrictions before making any changes to the appearance of the exterior area of their property. This includes, but is not limited to, fences, home additions, landscaping, mailboxes, satellite dishes, and major exterior color changes, etc. Without providing the necessary documents to the committee, an owner could be faced with delays from the City of Hilliard before a project can be completed, or asked to revise expensive changes made without approval.
Download the Architectural Review Form to present along with copies of project plans to a member of the Architectural Review Committee. The committee then has 15 days from receipt to review the application and return an approval or disapproval to you. The committee consists of Dennis Karem (denniskarem@me.com), Dave Kerr (davekerrarch@gmail.com), and Melissa Muth (muthmel99@gmail.com).
Please contact us with any questions concerning architectural review. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration to your neighbors.