Scioto Run Nature Trail
Convenient access to a Hilliard city park, the Scioto Run Nature Trail, is available to all. The main trail entrance starts at the west end of Scioto Run Blvd. There are also two other entrances to the trail. The trail can be accessed at the western-most end from the sidewalk on Trueman Blvd. The eastern-most end of the trail is accessed by using the easement along Scioto Run Blvd. The trail brings a varied group of wildlife to the neighborhood including an array of birds and frequent deer. Those who visit Scioto Run Nature Trail will find a charming mile-long woodland walking & running trail of dirt & grass alongside a stream. Benches can be found along the pathway. The trail is a great way to enjoy nature while still in the city. To volunteer and work on the trail, scroll down and Get Involved!
Scioto Run Trail map identifying trail entrances and points of interest.

Get Involved
Volunteer with the Friends of The Trail to work in Hilliard's SCIOTO RUN NATURE TRAIL.