About the Scioto Run Neighborhood
Scioto Run is a neighborhood with 267 single-family homes in Hilliard, Franklin County, Ohio. Our neighborhood is within the Hilliard school district and is minutes from the popular Mill Run shopping area. The wooded and peaceful Scioto Run Nature Trail travels along the south side of the neighborhood and is easily accessible by all residents. Many of the neighborhood homes feature wooded lots and great patios and decks. There is quick access to the Scioto River, downtown Columbus, OSU’s main campus, and I-270.
How did Scioto Run get its name?
The creek running the length of the nature trail is known as Scioto Run.
When was the neighborhood built?
Scioto Run was built in five waves starting in 1988. The last home was completed in 2002. A portion of Phase I on Goldenseal Way was the location for the 1988 Parade of Homes.
Does the Nature Trail belong to the neighborhood?
The Scioto Run Nature Trail is part of the City of Hilliard’s park system. The trail was officially adopted by Friends of the Trail in 2018 as part of the City of Hilliard’s Adopt a Park Program. To learn more about how the Friends of the Trail work on improving the trail, and how you can get involved, check out the details on this website under Friends of the Trail.
The Little Free Library
Located at the entrance of west end of the Scioto Run Nature Trail, the Little Free Library is available for all residents to take a book and leave a book.
I need a new mailbox. Who is the preferred vendor?
According to deed restriction # 23 , all mailboxes are to be of a similar design and construction. Our preferred vendor since 1988 has been, and still is, Cedar Craft Products, Inc. They can be reached at 614-759-1600.
Can I fence my yard?
You sure can. The process starts with having all adjoining neighbors sign their approval on the architectural review form and submitting to the architectural review board. Don’t forget to complete all necessary permits with the City of Hilliard.
Where do the food trucks park?
The neighborhood has a rotating food truck schedule and the food trucks will always be parked at the west end of Scioto Run Blvd. View the food truck schedule on our events page or at Street Food Finder.
How do I become an officer with the civic association?
If interested in becoming an officer, please attend an association meeting to discuss your interest in an open position. Officer positions have an annual term.
Why is the front entrance flag flying at half-staff?
There are 5 days throughout the year that flags are officially flown at half-staff: National Peace Officers Memorial Day (May 15), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Patriots Day (September 11), National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Day (Sunday during Fire Prevention Week in October), and Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day (December 7).